Scientific and Expert Center
Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology
Russian Academy of Sciences

Voronezh Region

S.S. Delyagina
Leading specialist, Voronezh Center for Environmental Policy
I.N. Klimova
Specialist, Department of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Voronezh region


Contemporary Development in the Voronezh Region

    Voronezh region is a unique area located in the central zone of the European part of Russia and is the largest area of the Central Black Earth region.
    For a long time a policy aimed at economic growth in the region was implemented. But it was impossible to avoid the environmental impacts associated with the degradation of natural systems. It also has an impact on the human life conditions. The need to move towards a sustainable development of the area, which is characterized by the economic development of the area carried out by modernizing and corporate greening processes of different industries. 
    Indicators achievement is monitored by specially authorized structures with compulsory treatment in the informational and analytical services of the authorities of the Voronezh region.
    An important direction of work are development of an effective system of promoting ideas of sustainable development and the creation of an appropriate system of education and training in order to change patterns of thinking and improve environmental culture of society.
    The goal-oriented changes in economic structure, which approved in the transformations of economy, modernization and greening of technological cycles with the introduction of energy- and resources-saving technologies, are needed. The introduction of legal regulatory basis through the perfection of the local legislation governing the economic mechanism of environmental management plays an important role.
    In accordance with the Voronezh region Decree “On the strategy for socio-economic development of the Voronezh region” environmental development strategy focuses on reducing stress in all basic areas of the environment.
A regional target program “Ecology and Natural Resources of the Voronezh region for 2010-2014” also acts in the Voronezh region.


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